Delaware County, Pennsylvania
Municipal Election 2015
Results for Folcroft Borough

Machines Reported  :  10 of 10
Results are posted as received from machine totals only
Results do not include Absentee, Provisional, or Remote Military votes

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Retain James P. Bradley Judge of Common Pleas  Folcroft Borough    County Wide   
YES 297 41,284
NO 127 14,001
Retain James F. Nilon Jr. Judge of Common Pleas  Folcroft Borough    County Wide   
YES 280 40,264
NO 133 14,550
Justice of the Supreme Court     
     (Vote for not more than Three)
Folcroft Borough    County Wide   
Democrat A1 David WECHT 553 51,902
Democrat A2 Kevin M. DOUGHERTY 616 55,677
Democrat A3 Christine DONOHUE 584 54,692
Republican B1 Judy OLSON 539 50,400
Republican B2 Mike GEORGE 512 47,336
Republican B3 Anne COVEY 505 46,499
Independent Judicial Alliance C1 Paul PANEPINTO 18 4,446
Independent Judicial Alliance C2 NO CANDIDATE    
Independent Judicial Alliance C3 NO CANDIDATE    
Write In   42
Judge of the Superior Court      Folcroft Borough    County Wide   
Democrat A4 Alice Beck DUBOW 561 51,752
Republican B4 Emil GIORDANO 576 53,945
Write In   16
Judge of the Commonwealth Court      Folcroft Borough    County Wide   
Democrat A5 Michael WOJCIK 564 51,298
Republican B5 Paul LALLEY 568 53,434
Write In   8
Judge of the Court of Common Pleas     
     (Vote for not more than Three)
Folcroft Borough    County Wide   
Democrat A6 Larry ABEL 509 45,124
Democrat A7 Anthony D. SCANLON 526 46,047
Democrat A8 G. Lawrence DEMARCO 529 46,242
Republican B6 Dominic F. PILEGGI 600 59,091
Republican B7 Anthony D. SCANLON 575 54,630
Republican B8 Margaret J. AMOROSO 590 56,179
Write In   24
County Council    4 Year Term 
     (Vote for not more than Three)
Folcroft Borough    County Wide   
Democrat A9 Richard R. WOMACK 531 47,345
Democrat A10 Christine A. REUTHER 522 47,331
Democrat A11 Sharon J. BOOKER 525 47,139
Republican B9 Colleen P. MORRONE 593 56,027
Republican B10 John P. MCBLAIN 588 54,636
Republican B11 Michael CULP 580 54,410
Write In   28
District Attorney    4 Year Term  Folcroft Borough    County Wide   
Democrat A12 NO CANDIDATE    
Republican B12 Jack WHELAN 686 67,023
Write In 1 71
Magisterial District Judge 32-1-27    6 Year Term  Folcroft Borough    County Wide   
Democrat A13 David H. LANG   2,189
Republican B13 David H. LANG   3,227
Write In   1
Magisterial District Judge 32-1-30    6 Year Term  Folcroft Borough    County Wide   
Democrat A13 Vincent D. GALLAGHER JR   1,303
Republican B13 Vincent D. GALLAGHER JR   2,745
Write In   1
Magisterial District Judge 32-1-31    6 Year Term  Folcroft Borough    County Wide   
Democrat A13 Philip S. TURNER JR   876
Republican B13 Philip S. TURNER JR   1,816
Write In   2
Magisterial District Judge 32-1-32    6 Year Term  Folcroft Borough    County Wide   
Democrat A13 Andrea E. PUPPIO   1,038
Republican B13 Andrea E. PUPPIO   2,172
Write In   1
Magisterial District Judge 32-1-33    6 Year Term  Folcroft Borough    County Wide   
Democrat A13 Harry J. KARAPALIDES   1,244
Republican B13 Harry J. KARAPALIDES   497
Write In   1
Magisterial District Judge 32-2-39    6 Year Term  Folcroft Borough    County Wide   
Democrat A13 George J. PAPPAS   1,804
Republican B13 C. Walter MCCRAY III   1,831
Write In   1
Magisterial District Judge 32-2-40    6 Year Term  Folcroft Borough    County Wide   
Democrat A13 Steven A. SANDONE 553 1,459
Republican B13 Steven A. SANDONE 568 1,302
Write In    
Magisterial District Judge 32-2-49    6 Year Term  Folcroft Borough    County Wide   
Democrat A13 Wendy B. ROBERTS   2,490
Republican B13 Wendy B. ROBERTS   5,106
Write In   2
Magisterial District Judge 32-2-51    6 Year Term  Folcroft Borough    County Wide   
Democrat A13 Robert L. DAVIDSON JR   1,152
Republican B13 Christopher MATTOX   1,179
Write In   1
Magisterial District Judge 32-2-53    6 Year Term  Folcroft Borough    County Wide   
Democrat A13 Lisa C. LACIANCA   3,997
Republican B13 Lisa C. LACIANCA   2,733
Write In   3
Magisterial District Judge 32-2-54    6 Year Term  Folcroft Borough    County Wide   
Democrat A13 James J. MERKINS   881
Republican B13 James J. MERKINS   2,210
Write In   2
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Copyright 2015 County of Delaware, PA
The public record information viewed here reflects the un-official election results for the 2015 Municipal Election held November 3, 2015 as compiled by The County of Delaware.  The results are posted as received from machine totals and do not include absentee votes, provisional votes, or remote military votes.  This information does not contain the official totals accumulated and certified by the Bureau of Elections, Ground Floor, Government Center Building, Media, Pennsylvania 19063.   The results posting methods can generally be deemed reliable; however, such methods cannot be guaranteed. In no event shall the County of Delaware be held liable for damage of any nature, direct or indirect, arising from the use of this Internet product; including loss of profits, loss of savings, or other incidental or consequential damages.