Delaware County, Pennsylvania
Municipal Election 2013
Results for Prospect Park Borough Local Races

Machines Reported  :  10 of 10
Results are posted as received from machine totals only
Results do not include Absentee, Provisional, or Remote Military votes

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Tax Collector    4 Year Term  Prospect Park Borough
Republican A17 Jeffrey PARK 777
Democrat B17 NO CANDIDATE  
Write In  
Mayor    4 Year Term  Prospect Park Borough
Republican A19 Jeff HARRIS 771
Democrat B19 NO CANDIDATE  
Write In  
Council    4 Year Term 
     (Vote for not more than Four)
Prospect Park Borough
Republican A21 Patrick O'CONNELL 738
Republican A22 Robert JUREK 705
Republican A23 Dawn WHITE 712
Republican A24 Diane FAISON 695
Democrat B21 NO CANDIDATE  
Democrat B22 NO CANDIDATE  
Democrat B23 NO CANDIDATE  
Democrat B24 NO CANDIDATE  
Write In 1
Judge of Election    4 Year Term  Prospect Park Borough
1st Precinct
Republican A26 Shawn R. STEWART 181
Democrat B26 NO CANDIDATE  
Write In  
Judge of Election    4 Year Term  Prospect Park Borough
2nd Precinct
Republican A26 NO CANDIDATE  
Democrat B26 NO CANDIDATE  
Write In 3
Judge of Election    4 Year Term  Prospect Park Borough
3rd Precinct
Republican A26 Michael PARSONS 144
Democrat B26 NO CANDIDATE  
Write In  
Judge of Election    4 Year Term  Prospect Park Borough
4th Precinct
Republican A26 John L. CEPIS 74
Democrat B26 NO CANDIDATE  
Write In  
Judge of Election    4 Year Term  Prospect Park Borough
5th Precinct
Republican A26 Karen GIACOMUCCI 196
Democrat B26 NO CANDIDATE  
Write In  
Inspector of Election    4 Year Term  Prospect Park Borough
1st Precinct
Republican A27 Danielle STEWART 181
Democrat B27 NO CANDIDATE  
Write In  
Inspector of Election    4 Year Term  Prospect Park Borough
2nd Precinct
Republican A27 NO CANDIDATE  
Democrat B27 NO CANDIDATE  
Write In 4
Inspector of Election    4 Year Term  Prospect Park Borough
3rd Precinct
Republican A27 NO CANDIDATE  
Democrat B27 NO CANDIDATE  
Write In 5
Inspector of Election    4 Year Term  Prospect Park Borough
4th Precinct
Republican A27 Mary Ann H. SHALLET 77
Democrat B27 NO CANDIDATE  
Write In  
Inspector of Election    4 Year Term  Prospect Park Borough
5th Precinct
Republican A27 Hope EWING 199
Democrat B27 NO CANDIDATE  
Write In  
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Copyright 2013 County of Delaware, PA
The public record information viewed here reflects the un-official election results for the 2013 Municipal Election held November 5, 2013 as compiled by The County of Delaware.  The results are posted as received from machine totals and do not include absentee votes, provisional votes, or remote military votes.  This information does not contain the official totals accumulated and certified by the Bureau of Elections, Ground Floor, Government Center Building, Media, Pennsylvania 19063.   The results posting methods can generally be deemed reliable; however, such methods cannot be guaranteed. In no event shall the County of Delaware be held liable for damage of any nature, direct or indirect, arising from the use of this Internet product; including loss of profits, loss of savings, or other incidental or consequential damages.